Many new or aspiring borrowers wonder what credit score do you start with. This is a good question since before you can get a loan or access to credit, lenders will look at your credit score to assess your level of risk. Do you get assigned a credit score when you turn 18 years old? […]
A credit score is one of the main concerns of any adult, especially those looking forward to applying for a loan. Credit scores will play a part in whether you will leave a good impression on a lender or not. They show how likely it is that you will make the payments on time. So, […]
You hear all the time that bad credit will affect your ability to take out loans. Bad credit can be extremely detrimental, and it will only feel like that when you need it the most. But what about having no credit? Is no credit better than bad credit? You will find the answer below. What […]
Getting your first apartment can be tricky if you’re fresh out of college and just landed a new job. Why, you ask? Landlords run credit checks before leasing apartments for rent. If you have bad credit, that’s when you may lose out on your preferred apartment. But the good news is you can still get …
Deciding to lease a car can be a difficult decision – especially if you are a visa holder. The entire process might be a source of confusion for you. This is exactly why we’ve comprised this comprehensive guide for you: to bring some clarity on the topic. More specifically, we will discuss the minim…
At a Glance Obtaining an H1B visa and sponsorship for working in the U.S. poses challenges, requiring strategic approaches. Simplify the process by utilizing sponsor databases to identify potential sponsors and focusing on job opportunities explicitly mentioning H1B visas. Consider internships as a …
At a Glance Bad credit refers to a negative track record with lenders, often resulting from late or non-payment of loans, and is reflected in your credit history. Different companies have varying criteria for defining bad credit, and creditworthiness is summarized by a credit score. When it comes to…
At a Glance Lower car insurance premiums Increased approval rates for renting apartments and buying homes Better interest rates on mortgages and credit cards Improved chances of getting hired for a job, reduced security deposits, and higher chances of credit card and loan approval Most people unders…
At a Glance Check your U.S. credit score without a Social Security Number (SSN) using an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). Contact credit bureaus, provide alternative identification documents, and check for a credit file as methods to access your credit information. Explore third-party se…
Have you heard the term “credit score”? If not, it’s time to become familiar with it. A credit score is a rating given to you based on your history of taking on and paying back loans or other forms of credit. A good credit score carries with it a host of benefits—from advantageous rates on [……