
Ready to tackle your taxes with confidence? Our platform simplifies the complexities of tax preparation, offering expert guidance, valuable tips, and essential resources to help you navigate the filing process smoothly. From deductions to deadlines, empower yourself to make informed decisions and optimize your tax situation with Stilt.

Tax Guides

Taxes for Immigrants

If you’re a Canadian or Mexican professional working in the United States under the TN visa category, it’s essential to understand your tax obligations. Navigating the U.S. tax system can be complex, but with the right knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that you remain compliant a…

At a Glance F1 visa holders are generally not allowed to work, except for limited on-campus employment Taxes for F1 visa holders may involve forms such as 8843, 1040NR, and W-7 They are exempt from Social Security and Medicare taxes, and income from their home country is not taxed in

Navigating the intricacies of taxation as an H-1B visa holder in the United States demands a comprehensive understanding of your residency status and the applicable tax laws. Whether you’re classified as a resident or nonresident alien significantly impacts your tax obligations, requiring adhe…


At a Glance On an H1B visa, you are required to pay federal, state, Social Security, and Medicare taxes based on your income. The federal income tax rate varies depending on your income level, ranging from 10% to 39.6%. H1B workers typically pay between 25% and 28% on taxable income.

At a Glance H1B visa holders in the U.S. can claim tax benefits, including deductions, exemptions, and credits. Deductions encompass itemized deductions like state and local taxes, medical expenses, and mortgage interest. Exemptions are available for personal and dependent exemptions, providing addi…

This article was written for OPT students that want to get a refund on their FICA taxes. Keep reading to learn how to get some extra money back after a year of hard work! What is FICA? FICA is the abbreviation of the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. The FICA tax


If you are in the United States on a H4 visa, you will be aware that you are not entitled to an SSN, Social Security Number. However, in order to file your taxes, you do need a unique identification number. This is called an ITIN, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. Applying


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