
Ready to tackle your taxes with confidence? Our platform simplifies the complexities of tax preparation, offering expert guidance, valuable tips, and essential resources to help you navigate the filing process smoothly. From deductions to deadlines, empower yourself to make informed decisions and optimize your tax situation with Stilt.

Tax Guides

Taxes for Immigrants

At a Glance Federal taxes are imposed universally by the federal government, while state income taxes vary across states. States may also charge sales and use taxes, which fund social services, infrastructure, and education at the state level. State tax calculations differ, with variations in flat t…

It could happen to the best of us – before you know it the tax deadline crept up on you and you have had no time to submit your taxes. Or perhaps you skipped one year and you’re too afraid to file in case of penalties.  This year, due to

It feels like 2020 has been longer than a decade, and many Americans are looking forward to some financial relief with an early tax return. But when can you file your taxes for 2020? Here we discuss the tax deadline for this year, how early you can start filing, and


At a Glance Tax withholding is a system where the US government deducts income taxes from salaried employees’ paychecks to cover their estimated tax liability. The government intentionally overestimates taxes owed, resulting in tax refunds for many taxpayers. Changes in job, filing status, dep…

It can be daunting to file your U.S. taxes in a difficult year as 2020. You’re looking to save money where you can and hopefully get some tax money back. It can get even more confusing when you’re a non-citizen residing and working in the U.S. That’s why it’s important

There is probably not a person on the planet who likes paying taxes or doing their tax returns. Your income is your hard-earned money. It’s not fun having the government deduct their share from your paycheck every month.  Have you ever looked at your paycheck and wondered, “where do…


If you’ve just filed your federal income tax returns, you’re probably staring at a pile of forms and receipts, wondering what to do with it. Or perhaps you’re doing some spring cleaning, and the ever-growing dusty pile of tax records is standing in the way of a perfectly organized …

Are you about to move to a foreign country like the U.S.? Or have you already moved out just recently? Whichever it is, you must know that there are multiple things to consider before you do it and they all come under the India Income Tax Act. What is this

At a Glance A G4 visa is a nonimmigrant visa granted to officials or employees of international organizations for official business in the US. G4 visa holders can only perform duties related to their organization and are exempt from income tax on compensation for official services. They may be liabl…


As a J1 or F1 visa holder, there’s a chance you didn’t earn an income in the US during 2019. Does this mean you don’t have to worry about filing tax returns or other documentation to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?  Unfortunately not! If you are a non-resident alien, you


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