What You Need to Know About the Form G-845 Supplement

Updated on April 10, 2024

Immigrants are entitled to certain benefits provided by the United States government. To claim them, Form G-845 Supplement is an important stepping stone. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about the Form G-845 and G-845 Supplement.

What is Form G-845 Supplement

Form G-845 Supplement, officially known as Supplement, Verification Request form, is one of the two forms provided by the Department of Homeland Securities (DHS) and also used by the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to confirm the eligibility of the immigrants applying for benefits. The other being Form G-845, Verification Request. The benefits of applying can be at federal, state, or local levels which also include those benefits under Titles II, XVI, and XVIII.

Once you submit Form G-845 to the DHS, it sends a request to USCIS for your immigration status. SAVE or Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement, an electronic portal, is used to verify eligibility. The Form G-845 Supplement supports Form G-845 and submitted in conjunction to prove the immigration status.

In case the information about the alien’s eligibility is not available on the SAVE system, Form G-845 will be used.

Who Needs the Form G-845 Supplement

The submitting agency completes the Form G-845 Supplement on behalf of the alien. The benefits are often delivered by benefit and/or licensing providing agencies that are registered with SAVE. They should have signed a Memorandum of Agreement. This allows them to use the SAVE portal and use the form accordingly.

 In case you’re not sure whether you should use the supplement form, please check the SAVE Program.

How to Complete the Form G-845 Supplement

Given the number of pages and the question asked, the G-845 supplement form is considered a complex form to use. Plus, it is filled out by multiple parties, which consists of the agency, the immigrant, and the USCIS. So if you, as an agency, are filling out the form, you should know which section to fill out and which ones to leave blank. Do not worry, the instructions for those kinds of things are mentioned clearly wherever applicable.

In this section, we will provide a brief overview on how to complete Form G-845. But before that, there are some key points you should note.

  • You can either print or type.
  • If you’re writing, then it must be legible and in black ink.
  • For additional space, you’re free to use a separate sheet of paper for completion. Do remember to indicate the item number serially and attach it to the main form.
  • If the form is being filled out manually, the applicant’s first name, last name, and Case Verification Number must appear at the top of each page.

The 5-page form is divided into three separate parts. Here’s how to fill out the form:

Part 1

Part 1 is supposed to be completed by the Registered agency who is filing on behalf of the immigrant.

In the very first box, you need to put in the name, address, and ZIP Code of the agency.

The next section has to do with the applicant. If you’re filling out the form in his presence, then you can ask him to fill out the information. If not, then you can fill them out, provided you have all the correct information available with you.

  • 1.a – Provide the applicant’s A-number or Alien Registration Number
  • 1.b – Provide the applicant’s Form I-94 Number or the arrival-departure record number
  • 1.c – If there’s any other immigration number available, provide it
  • 1.d – Name of the form that contains the other immigration number

Applicant Information

  • 2 (a, b, c) – Full name of the applicant (first, middle, and last)
  • 3 – Case verification number
  • 4 – Date of birth in the format mm/dd/yyyy
  • 5 – Social Security Number

Information Requested by the Registered Agency

What information you’re requesting should be mentioned in this section. Simply check the boxes. The options are:

  • Immigration Status
  • Citizenship Status
  • Special Benefit Provision for Certain Victims of Abuse
  • Affidavit of Support
  • USCIS to verify Cuban/Haitian entrants by filling out Part 3
  • Form SSA-8510, Authorization for the SSA to obtain personal information
  • Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance claim (for SSA only)
  • Status of this applicant as of 8/22/1996 is required

 Registered Agency Information

  • 7 (a, b) – Full Name of the Agency Official
  • 8.a – Daytime Telephone number (including area code)
  • 8.b – Extension Number
  • 9 – Date Request Completed in the format mm/dd/yyyy

Additional Information

If you, as a registered agency, want to make any additional comments, then you can use this section. The information should deal with the case in hand and the urgency of the matter.

Part 2 and 3

Agencies or individuals are not required to fill out Part 2 and 3 of the G-845 Supplement form. Part 2 is the USCIS Response, and 3 is USCIS Additional Response. Both these are meant to be filled out by the USCIS officials.

So after you’ve completed part 1, you’re basically done with the form. You need to send it to the right address.

Post some revisions on 1 October 2015, the DHS is only accepting Form G-845 and G-845 Supplement that have been dated 5/20/2015 or later except those documents annotated with “Third Step Verification Request” or “Do not Reject Enumeration.” So you need to use the latest of the forms to remain on the safe side.

The form must be submitted for each applicant. So, if there are three immigrants seeking federal benefits, then submit three separate G-845 Supplement forms.

Documents Required

There aren’t many documents required to be submitted along with the Form G-845 Supplement form. But you’ll be asked for:

  • Applicant’s recent immigration records.
  • Any associated documents about the applicant’s immigration status and admission into the United States.

Where to Submit the Form G-845 Supplement

After you’ve completed the form, you need to mail it to USCIS offices. But before that, you must seek permission from SAVE Program administration by emailing them at saveregistration@uscis.dhs.gov.

The address to send the form depends on where your agency is located. Please refer to this resource to match the location with the correct mailing address.

Form G-845 Supplement Cost

There are no charges associated with Form G-845, and it is free of cost. You may incur fees for preparing and filling out the form at your end, but there are no filing charges.


This was all about form G-845 that helps immigrants in claiming the provided benefits. It is recommended to fill the form correctly for quick processing.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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