Guide to Form G-884

Updated on April 10, 2024

On average, USCIS has to deal with 30,000 requests every day. Numerous people who submit requests and are accepted have to send various documents so their wish can be granted. But what happens if you submitted original documents to the USCIS and you want them back? How can you recover them? That seems like a job for Form G-884.

What Is Form G-884?

Form G-884 is a paper that you submit to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to request your original documents back. To be more specific, the form serves as a request for the original documents that you’ve submitted to USCIS for various reasons, such as a citizenship benefit or an immigration benefit. You will have to send Form G-884 together with supporting documentation.

Who Needs Form G-884?

This form should be submitted by anyone who has previously sent original documents to USCIS with an application, request or a petition. It means that you wish to take those documents back, and this can only happen if you submit the completed request.

By fully completing this form and submitting it with supporting documents, you will help USCIS and yourself, as it will make the process go by much faster. It will allow them to locate your documents and return them to you quicker.

How to File Form G-884?

Filing Form G-884 is a smooth and easy process – you just have to submit this document, as well as the supporting paperwork. You will only need a single form to get all of your USCIS submitted documents. However, keep in mind that if you need a document that is contained in multiple USCIS files, then you will have to file separate G-884 forms for each.

Here are the steps that you should take to file Form G-884.

Part 1

The first step involves filling out the document. Make sure to use black ink, and ensure that you type or print it clearly. Write in capital letters, and write “N/A” where the item doesn’t apply to you. Conversely, write “NONE” where the answer is none.

In the first part of the form, you will have to give personal information about yourself. That includes your legal family name (last name). If you’re one of the people who have two last names, you will have to write both of them, with a hyphen between them. Other information that you will have to offer is the telephone number, mailing address, A-Number (where it applies), and the documents, information or records that you’re requesting.

Part 2

The second part of the document is very important. Here, you will have to give data for identifying the personal record. Without this, USCIS will have a difficult time trying to find your relating record.

You will also have to provide your family name and A-Number here, but there’s also something more than that. You’ll be asked for your date of birth, country of birth and other names that you use (such as an alias, your maiden name or nickname). Also, you will have to give the U.S. citizenship information and talk about entry into the U.S.

Part 3

In part 3 of the form, you will have to provide your signature and the date. Without the signature, the request will not be complete and will thus not be processed.

After you sign the form, make sure it is properly completed, and attach copies with your form, to make sure you have evidence for your request. Make sure these copies are exact photocopies of unaltered original documents.

You will also need two forms of identification when you submit your request. Acceptable forms of identification are a driver’s license, U.S. or foreign passport, employment authorization document, Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, state-issued identification document or certificate of Naturalization or Citizenship.

If you’re someone that submits Form G-884 on behalf of the subject, then it’s important to also submit some proof of the relationship between the two of you. Especially in cases where the subject is incapacitated or deceased, you will need proof of a power of attorney, or that you are the executor of the estate of the subject.

Meanwhile, in case you are submitting the document in a foreign language, you should also provide English translation with it. It should be done by a professional translator, who is competent to translate into English from your native language.

Where to File Form G-884

The place where you should file this document depends on your case. That being said, if you have a case where USCIS has issued their final decision, then Form G-884 has to be submitted to their office. You can also submit it to the service center that made the last action on your case.

However, if you still have a pending case, your Form G-884 has to be submitted to the USCIS sub office, district or service center that is dealing with your case at the moment.

Before you file your form, you need to make sure that the document is properly signed. Without the signature, the form will be rejected. Also, if you are not going in person before a USCIS official, you need to have a notarized signature. That means you would have to appear before the notary first before you show up in front of the official from USCIS.

Form G-884 Fee

The greatest thing about submitting Form G-884 is that you don’t have to pay any fee. It’s free.

Checklist of Required Initial Evidence

This is a checklist that you need to use when you want to submit your Form G-884. That being said, it is not something that you should submit with your document. It’s important to look at this and ensure you have everything necessary before you actually file your form. Ensure you do not send any original documents unless it is specified in the form instructions.

In case you are asking for original documents from your A-File (Alien File) or Receipt File, you will have to provide copies of two forms of identification. These can be:

  • Driver’s license
  • A foreign or U.S. passport
  • State-issued identification document
  • A Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551
  •  A document of employment authorization
  • Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship

If you are asking for the documents on behalf of someone else, you will have to submit copies of two of the same documents listed above. But added to that, you also have to submit some evidence of your relationship with the subject. Bring proof of power from an attorney or your executor status of their estate in case they are incapacitated or deceased.


Form G-884 is very useful for anyone who’s ever submitted original documents to the USCIS and now needs them back for various reasons. Simply asking for them wouldn’t bring them back to you, because USCIS has to carefully look for them and locate them. This is why you need this official document – and make sure you fill it out carefully. In the end, you will be able to recover your original documents. For any other curiosity, you can look it up on Stilt and find the answer.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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