How Long Does it Take to Renew a Green Card?

Updated on April 11, 2024

Having a green card is your ticket to living and working lawfully in the United States. But did you know your green card can expire? If your green card’s expiration date is drawing near, it’s best to get it renewed as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might find yourself in a situation where you want to buy a house or take a trip abroad, but your expired green card is standing between you and your dreams. 

If you’re already facing this situation, you’re probably wondering, “how long does it take to renew a green card?” and what can you do while you wait? We answer this and other questions below. 

Do Green Cards Have to be Renewed? 

Yes, your green card will expire and therefore have to be renewed at some stage. 

If your green card expires, your lawful permanent resident status doesn’t expire with it. So, don’t worry, you won’t be deported simply because your green card expired. But you will need to renew your green card before it expires. Otherwise, you could encounter a whole range of problems

By law, you must carry a valid green card if you are a lawful permanent resident of the United States, and you are 18 years or older. So, if your green card is about to expire, you should apply for renewal as soon as possible. 

How Often Do Green Cards Have to Be Renewed?

Conditional permanent residency is only valid for two years, after which you need to apply for the conditions of your residency to be removed. Similarly, your conditional green card is also only valid for two years. You can’t renew a conditional green card, though. If your conditional green card expires, you will need to apply for a full green card by having the conditions of your residency removed. 

Standard green cards have a validity period of 10 years. You need to renew your green card every 10 years before it expires unless you apply for citizenship through naturalization

If you have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 5 years or a permanent resident while married to a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years, it is possible that you could skip the renewal process and apply for citizenship directly. You can check your eligibility for citizenship here.

It is best to apply for your green card to be renewed 5 to 6 months before the expiration date. If you file your Form I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card earlier than 6 months before the expiration date, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will most probably reject your application (and they won’t refund your filing fee!). 

If you renew your green card in the 5 to 6-month time frame, you will have more than enough time to get a temporary extension in place (see below).

You can read more about how to apply for green card renewal here.

How Long Does a Green Card Renewal Take? 

Once the USCIS has received your green card renewal application form, you can expect to wait anything from 1.5 months to 12 months for your renewal to be processed. Generally, it tends to fall between 10 and 12 months, but it can also be longer.  

How long it takes to renew your green card depends on your location, the USCIS office processing your request, and their current workload. Some USCIS offices are known to be quick and have faster turnaround times. Others, unfortunately, take longer and are generally busier than the rest.

You can see the most updated processing times for the Form I-90 on the USCIS website here. The USCIS updates the information on this page monthly.

After you’ve submitted your application to renew your green card, you can expect a few things from the USCIS. Firstly, the USCIS will provide you with a letter (Form I-797C, Notice of Action) confirming they have received your application. This will arrive in the mail between 1 to 3 weeks after you’ve filed your application (so make sure the USCIS has your correct mailing address). If additional information is required down the road, you may receive a Request for Evidence. This will ask you to provide further information before your application can be approved. If your application wasn’t properly filed, you might also receive a letter rejecting your application. 

If everything goes well, you will receive an appointment notice which provides you with a date, time, and location for your biometrics appointment. At the biometrics appointment, your fingerprints will be taken. This is so the USCIS can do a security clearance and criminal background check. If you have a criminal history, there might be more delays and a few hurdles to cross before your application is approved.

After you’ve completed your biometrics appointment, the USCIS will process your application to renew your green card. If your application is approved, you will receive your new green card in the mail. If your green card renewal is denied, you will receive a notice explaining why your application was rejected. 

Of course, there may be situations that come up while you wait for your green card to be renewed, where you need to prove you are a lawful permanent resident of the United States. For example, you will need a valid green card to travel abroad, apply for a job, or even buy a home. If you need proof of your permanent residency status before you receive your new green card, you, fortunately, have options. If you find yourself in this situation, you can ask the USCIS to provide you with an Alien Documentation, Identification & Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp. This will prove you hold permanent residency status in the United States. This stamp will extend the validity of your current expired green card for an additional 12 months. 

You can get your ADIT stamp at your biometrics appointment. You can also only get this stamp after you’ve applied for your green card to be renewed.

How to Check the Status of Your Renewal

You can track the progress of your green card renewal on the USCIS check status page. Simply enter your receipt number. Once you’ve submitted your receipt number, you will be able to see your entire application history. 

Unfortunately, this page will not tell you how long you will still have to wait to receive your new green card. But it will show you where in the process your application is. 

You can also opt-in to receive text message updates or e-mail notifications when you submit your form. To do this, complete Form G-1145, e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance, and submit it with your green card renewal application. 


Now you know the answer to “how long does it take to renew a green card?“. Unfortunately, it isn’t quick. If you don’t want to get caught in a sticky situation, it’s best to plan ahead and apply to have your green card renewed as soon as possible, within the suggested time frames. 

If you’re already facing a sticky situation, you don’t have to worry too much. Get your ADIT stamp. You might just be able to still buy that house or take the job you’ve always dreamed of.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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