How Much Does a Passport Cost?

Updated on April 10, 2024

At a Glance

  • Passport fees for renewed passports for adults with U.S. citizenship range from $30 to $160, depending on the type of passport (book, card, or both).
  • Expedited processing is available for an additional $60.
  • First-time applicants aged 16 and older have application fees of $110 to $140, while renewals for adults have fees of $30 to $160.

A passport is a must for crossing international borders. Although it is certainly not free, the exact cost you can expect to pay for a passport may not always be obvious. The answer to the question ‘How much does a passport cost?’ depends on a few different factors. Read on to learn how much it costs to get a passport.

General Passport Fees

General passport fees apply to most passport applications. These are applications for renewed passports for adults with U.S. citizenship

The application process is straightforward, and most passports will be issued within 8 to 11 weeks of applying

The list below shows the application fees for various kinds of passports:

  • Passport Book: $130 application fee 
  • Passport Card: $30 application fee 
  • Passport Book & Card: $160 application fee.

For general passport applications, the State Department allows applications to be made via mail. However, you must submit your application within 5 years of the expiry of your old passport. Also, you must still have your old passport in a usable state.

Expedited Passport Fees

Sometimes it is necessary to get a passport faster than the usual processing time. If you are faced with a tight schedule, you can apply for accelerated processing of your passport application. 

An expedited passport application comes with increased fees to shorten the processing time to around 5 to 7 weeks. 

The list below shows the fees for various expedited passport services. These fees are charged in addition to the standard fee for a given passport application.

  • Expedited Processing Service: $60. Mainly for applicants in the U.S, but also available for eligible U.S. citizens living in Canada (by mail only).
  • 1-2 Day Delivery: $18.32. You will receive your passport 1-2 days after it is issued, faster than normal mail. Pay this fee using the same method as the application fee. Do not use an envelope with prepaid postage. 

Circumstantial Passport Fees

Circumstantial passport fees apply for special cases. The following sections will help explain how much does a passport costs.

Aged 16 or Older, Applying for the First Time

Applicants aged 16 and older are eligible for adult passports. The list below shows the fees for applying for various kinds of passports.

  • Passport book: $110 application fee and $35 execution fee.
  • Passport card: $30 application fee and $35 execution fee.
  • Passport book and card: $140 application fee and $35 execution fee.

If it is your first time applying for an adult passport, then you must submit your application in person at a passport acceptance facility or dedicated Passport Agency. Applications by mail are only allowed when renewing adult passports.

The execution fee (also called the acceptance fee) is related to the services provided by the passport acceptance center for in-person passport applications

Among other things, the passport acceptance agent will witness signatures and verify your identity as part of your application.

Aged 16 or Older, Renewing

Applicants aged 16 and older are eligible for adult passports. If you are renewing an adult passport, then you no longer have to apply in person; you can mail in your application.

The application fees for renewing an adult passport are listed below:

  • Passport Book: $130 application fee 
  • Passport Card: $30 application fee 
  • Passport Book & Card: $160 application fee.

Please note these fees only apply for renewing an adult passport. If your previous passport was a child’s passport, then it cannot be renewed. You must apply for a new adult passport.

For renewing your passport by mail, you must submit your application within 5 years of the expiry of your old passport. Also, you must still have your old passport in a usable, undamaged state.

Under 16 Years of Age, Applying for the First Time

Applicants younger than 16 years old are not eligible for adult passports. Instead, they get child passports. A child’s passport application must be supported by at least one of their parents or legal guardians.

Here are the fees for applying for a child’s passport:

  • Passport Book: $100 application fee and $35 execution fee.
  • Passport Card: $15 application fee and $35 execution fee.
  • Passport Book & Card: $115 application fee and $35 execution fee.

Passports issued for minors younger than 16 years old are only valid for 5 years, unlike the 10-year expiration period of adult passports. Once it has expired, a child’s passport cannot be renewed. It can only be replaced with a new one.

In other words, for a child under 16 years of age, all passport applications are for a new passport. 

Changing or Correcting a Passport

The biographical details in your passport must match your legal identity. Any misspellings or incorrect information can cause problems when, for example, buying air tickets.

You may need to change the details in your passport if you get married or change your legal name. In this case, you need to apply for a new passport with the relevant changes made.

The list below shows the costs for applying to make changes or corrections to your passport.

  • Correct Data Error: $0 You do not have to pay if a processing or printing error causes information on your passport to be incorrect, or unreadable.
  • Change of name printed in passport (same fees as passport renewal)
    • Passport Book: $130 
    • Passport Card: $30  
    • Passport Book & Card: $160 
  • Change of gender printed in passport (same fees as passport renewal)
    • Passport Book: $130 
    • Passport Card: $30  
    • Passport Book & Card: $160.

Passport Fee Payment Methods

The State Department allows you to pay your passport application fee in several different ways. However, the specific payment methods available depend on how and where you are submitting your passport application.

The list below summarizes the allowed passport fee payment methods under various circumstances.

  • In-person (at a passport acceptance facility such as a library or post office):
    • Check or money order for the application fee
    • Check, cash, money order, credit card for acceptance (execution fee), paid separately to the acceptance facility. Accepted methods vary by facility, check before applying.
  • In-person (at a dedicated Passport Agency):
    • Credit and debit cards (Visa and Mastercard)
    • Prepaid credit cards
    • Check or money order
    • Cash
  • By mail:
    • Check or money order for application. No execution fee is charged.

Currently, you cannot pay for passport application fees online, regardless of where or how you submit your application.

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Final Thoughts 

Determining how much a passport cost depends on several factors, including your age and whether it is a new passport or a modified one. Generally, you can expect to pay at least $30, but fees vary widely and could easily reach $240. There are a lot of different payment methods allowed, depending on how and where you submit your application. If you need to get your passport issued quickly, it will cost you more.

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Frank Gogol

I’m a firm believer that information is the key to financial freedom. On the Stilt Blog, I write about the complex topics — like finance, immigration, and technology — to help immigrants make the most of their lives in the U.S. Our content and brand have been featured in Forbes, TechCrunch, VentureBeat, and more.

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